Queen Black Dragon Practice Mode


The Queen Black Dragon is immune to poison. This is one monster you don't want to mess with. See the Queen Black Dragon guide to find out how to take down this monster. Like the King Black Dragon, the Queen counts towards Black Dragon slayer assignments. The Dark Magician is stronger than Queen Eyes Black Dragon, you might want to try using that. User Info: Highpitchsolo. Highpitchsolo (Topic Creator) 6 years ago #5. From: ceec #003 Brews? Sara brews only restore like 500 at a time, right? I wouldn't be able to heal fast enough at parts.


Queen Black Dragon Guide

  1. For the QBD video guide, go to: http://youtu.be/PIMu7ruFpcg
  2. For QBD Minimum Setup battles, go to: http://youtu.be/788K5XPGvH0
  3. For QBD Best Setup battles, go to: http://youtu.be/mub0IGPUA7o
  4. Introduction
  5. Hello, welcome to my Queen Black Dragon guide. In this video I will be detailing how to efficiently kill the Queen Black Dragon, with:
  6. 1) recommended setups, including levels, equipment, inventory, and abilities
  7. 2) how to get to the QBD lair
  8. 3) how to fight her and
  9. 4) extra tips for speeding up your battles.
  10. [1] Recommended Levels, Equipment, Inventory, and Ability Bar Setup
  11. [Stats]
  12. In order to be somewhat efficient at killing the QBD, you must have at least 70 Ranged (to use a Crystal Bow; 50 Agility Prereq), 65 Defense (for using Royal armor), 70 Prayer (for the Rigour prayer, which also has a 70 Defense Prereq), and 85 Herblore (for Super Antifire; Adrenaline potions optional), and 67 Summoning (War Tortoise). Without these stats, I don't believe killing the QBD will be worth the effort, seeing as your trips won't last very long, and you may need to heavily modify the setup that will be detailed in this guide. I personally tried fighting the QBD using a 1h crossbow with a DFS and Antifire Potions, and it was rough.
  13. For the best setup, you should have at least 80 Ranged (for the Royal Crossbow), 70 Defence (for 70-Defence armor) 92 Herblore (for Extreme Ranging Potions), 99 Summoning (for using a Steel Titan), and 95 Prayer (for the Anguish curse and Soul Split).
  14. For the quickest kills, you must use Full Void Range armor. I don't recommend using this unless you are comfortable with the fight, since you will be sacrificing a hefty amount of life points and armor.
  15. [Equipment]
  16. Helmet: Torva Full Helmet > Bandos Helmet > Helm of Neitiznot
  17. Cape : Completionist Cape > Ava's Alerter/Accumulator
  18. Amulet: Amulet of Ranging > Amulet of Fury > Amulet of Glory (I use Amulet of Glory for the convenient teleport)
  19. Gloves: Goliath Gloves > Barrows Gloves > Dragon Gloves
  20. Ring : Archers' Ring (i) > Onyx Ring (i) = Archers' Ring > TokKul-Zo
  21. Body : Pernix Body > Armadyl Chestplate = Karil's Top > Royal D'hide Body
  22. Legs : Pernix Chaps > Armadyl Chainskirt = Karil's Skirt > Royal D'hide Chaps
  23. Boots : Steadfast Boots > Torva Boots > Bandos Boots > Dragon Rider Boots > Dragon Boots
  24. Royal D'hide armor is entirely sufficient for fighting the QBD. Also, if you haven't already gotten a Royal Crossbow, you'll have to bring a Crystal Bow/Zaryte Bow for the first kill, and forge the Royal Crossbow during the intense dragonfire attack in Phase 4.
  25. [Inventory]
  26. [Minimum]
  27. I haven't done very many 'minimum' battles with the QBD, but having a 4-dose Ranging, Prayer Renewal, and Super Antifire Potion, and 5-6 4-dose Prayer Potions, and filling up your Tort + inventory with Sharks will be enough for a few kills before needing to bank.
  28. [Best]
  29. For every half an hour you want to stay fightning the QBD, you inventory should consist of:
  30. 1 Range/Extreme Ranging Flask, 1 Prayer Renewal Flask, 1 Super Antifire Flask, 1 Adrenaline Restore Flask, and 4-5 Prayer Restore Flasks, and, if you have 99 Summoning, a Steel Titan summoned and Steel of Legends scrolls. You then fill up the rest of your inventory with Sharks or Rocktails, although Sharks are certainly enough. Once you are comfortable at fighting the QBD, you can start bringing two half-hour inventories to fight it.
  31. Note that if you are using the Penance aura, you may not need any Prayer Renewals or Prayer Restores at all while it's activated.
  32. [Ability Bar]
  33. Your ability bar should be set up with the following hotkeys:
  34. Basic Abilities: Piercing Shot, Ricochet, Fragmentation Shot, and Regenerate (after the end of a QBD battle)
  35. Threshold Abilities: Snap Shot, Rapid Fire, and Bombardment
  36. Eat Shark
  37. Drink Prayer Restore Flask
  38. You can assign any keys you want to the abilities, but I prefer to keep all my abilities in range of my left hand, so I use the A, W, D, Q, E, Z, F, R, C, 1, and 2 keys.
  39. I do not suggest using an Ultimate Ability, seeing as you would do more damage waiting for Threshold abilities to recover from their cool downs than to regain your Adrenaline to 50% for Thresholds.
  40. Also set your Quick Prayers to Rigour and Protect Range, or Soul Split and Anguish if you are on curses.
  41. [2] How To Get to the QBD's Lair
  42. The best way to get to the QBD's lair is to use the Port Sarim home teleport. Once there, you run a bit to the west, and you'll see the White Knight Camp. There, you go down to the Grotworm Lair. You then keep going west until you reach the opening, and then you slide down the shortcut to the south. From there, you go through the eerie door southwest of your position, marked with an exclamation (!) mark, to reach the QBD.
  43. [3] How to Fight the Queen Black Dragon
  44. The QBD fight is split up into four phases. In order to defeat the QBD, you must bring down her health until her health bar is empty (shown at the top of the screen). Once you have depleted her health, you must then touch a corresponding Dragonkin Artefact in order to begin the next round. Once you have done this four times, you have won the battle. I will now go over each phase of this battle and what to expect the QBD to dish out while you're fighting it.
  45. [Phase One]
  46. The first phase starts with the QBD awakening from its slumber. You must use this time to drink a dose of your Ranging, Pray Renewal, and Super Antifire Flask, and turn on your Quick Prayers.
  47. During this phase, the QBD has the following attacks:
  48. -A basic melee attack that she will only use when you are in melee range. You won't have to worry about it since you will be ranging her.
  49. -A basic range attack, where she swings her head to attack you.
  50. -A standard dragon breath attack, which won't hurt you too badly if you drank a dose of your Super Antifire Flask. You cannot completely negate this damage with the potion, though.
  51. -A special Fire Wall attack, where it spews out a wall of fire which takes up every space except one. Your goal is to reach the empty space in order to avoid taking damage. If you do not reach the empty space in time, you may take one or two 750-damage hits.
  52. Spam all your basic abilities, and take a sip of your Adrenaline flask at the beginning of the fight. Once you whittle down all her health, tag the first artefact at the center of the stage.
  53. If you take too long to activate the artefact, the QBD will begin spewing out level 105 Grotworms to attack you. Even if some Grotworms appear, you can just ignore them for the entire fight. She will do this every time you need to activate an artefact.
  54. [Phase Two]
  55. Phase Two introduces three new special abilities that the QBD can use:
  56. - What the QBD will most likely do right after you activate the first artefact is summon a level 147 Tormented Soul. She will also summon these souls periodically throughout the battle. While the soul itself isn't much of a threat, the first attack it will do is a purple 'cloud,' which will hurt you if you are hit by it. Even if you move away, the cloud will continue to chase you until it hits you or an enemy.
  57. The tactic here is to run through the soul about one second after it appears. This will cause the cloud to hit the soul instead, and damage it for around 1k damage. This is incredibly helpful, because not only will you avoid taking damage, but you will also hurt the soul for over half its health. This is definitely something that you will need to learn to do on reaction after lots and lots of practice. Once you have it down, it'll become muscle memory.
  58. While the soul is alive, it will attack periodically with a melee attack (which you can ignore), and it will also sometimes use its cloud attack. Once again, it will teleport to you, and use the attack. You can use the same tactic to have the cloud hit the soul. If you had hurt the soul previously from its cloud attack, this second cloud will defeat it.
  59. - Another special ability the QBD has is a health draining attack, which she will use against any souls on the battlefield. It will drain 100 health from every soul constantly, while also healing the QBD for 200 health the same amount of times, until the souls' health are drained. You can either ignore the souls and continue attacking the QBD, or attack the souls to mitigate any health the QBD can restore. I usually just keep attacking.
  60. - Another special ability she starts using is the ability to change her skin into two types. The first type is to a crystal form (blue), where she will be more resilient against magic attacks, but she will take more damage from melee/range attacks. Whenever she changes into this form, expect to dish out massive damage! Conversely, her second type is a physical-resistant form, where she will take less damage from melee/range attacks, but take massive damage from magic attacks. Expect a slower phase while she is in this form.
  61. One last difference in this phase is that whenever the QBD does a Fire Wall attack, she will now spew out TWO rows of walls, each with their own empty space to run to. If you know you cannot make it to an empty space, it may be best to just run through the fire, where you at most will take 750 damage. Sometimes, you may also take no damage at all. It is unknown if this is a bug or not.
  62. Again, like the previous phase, once its health bar is depleted, you must activate the second Dragonkin Artefact, which is located in the southwest area of the map. BE CAREFUL! If you stick around too long in the area around any of the three artefacts outside of the platform, you will begin taking 1500 damage every 3 seconds or so! Once you activate the artefact, quickly run back to the platform.
  63. [Phase Three]
  64. Phase Three is essentially the same as Phase Two, with two slight changes. One change is that now, the QBD will summon TWO Tormented Souls instead of one. Again, they will both use the same purple cloud attack on you. Luckily, you can run through one of the souls like you did in the previous phase in order to have both clouds hurt the soul. If you are successful, the two clouds will defeat the soul you ran through! Another change is that now, whenever the QBD spews her Fire Wall attack, she will spew out THREE walls, instead of two. The strategy is the same: run through every empty space, and if you don't think you'll make it, just run through the fire walls to avoid taking two 750-damage hits.
  65. Once you whittle down her health bar once more, go to the Southeast corner of the area to activate the third Dragonkin Artefact, and quickly run back to the platform, and be ready for the final phase!
  66. [Phase Four]
  67. This is it. This is the final phase. Do not lose your grip, because things will begin to get crazy in this phase.
  68. -The first curveball: the QBD will now begin to summon FOUR SOULS AT ONCE. Not three, but FOUR. If you brushed off the souls' cloud attacks in the previous phases, this is when you WILL BE HURT for UP TO 4000 DAMAGE if you take all four of their cloud attacks head-on. This is the phase where running through the souls becomes IMPERATIVE!
  69. -The second curveball is that sometimes, a soul will teleport to either the west or east corner of the battlefield, and will begin a countdown. After 10 seconds, the soul will stop time, freezing you dead in your tracks for seven seconds. After the seven seconds are over, you will instantly take any damage you had taken during your time stop. In this phase, it is important to pay attention to the battlefield, so you can be on the lookout for the attack. Refocus your attacks (and familiar's attacks) to whichever soul is charging the attack.
  70. - The final curveball is the QBD's super dragon breath attack. She will use this at times throughout the final phase, dealing three hits of 450 damage each if you are standing away from the center of the fire, and three hits of 1950 damage each if you are standing right in the center of the attack. There is no way to avoid this damage.
  71. Once you bring deplete her health bar once more, activate the fourth artefact located south of the field, and you're done! Go down the stairs that rise from the ground, and receive your drops from the chest.
  72. [Extra Tips]
  73. After you have defeated the QBD in battle a few times and are comfortable with the fight, here are a few tips that may help you speed up your phases:
  74. (1) When you begin the fight, alternate between using the Piercing Shot ability and other basic/threshold abilities. Specifically, during the first phase, you should do the following:
  75. Piercing Shot → Fragmentation Shot → Piercing Shot → Ricochet → Piercing Shot+ take a dose of your Adrenaline Flask → Snap Shot/Bombardment → Piercing Shot → Snap Shot/Bombardment → Piercing Shot → Rapid Fire. The Adrenaline Flask is there to help you get started on using your Threshold abilities at the beginning of Phase One.
  76. (2) If you are near the end of a phase and the QBD uses her Fire Wall attack, it might be better to just run through the fire and continue attacking the QBD. Sometimes, you may not even take damage from running through it, so if you have most of your health remaining, running through the fire to keep your DPS up may be the way to go.
  77. (3) To lessen the amount of Grotworms that the QBD spits out in between phases, you should stand next to the artefact that you will need to activate for the next phase. Phase 2: southwest corner of the field. Phase 3: Southeast corner of the field. Phase 4: it really doesn't matter where you stand, since all enemies will disappear after you activate the artefact.
  78. (4) Use a Void Range setup. Fighting the QBD in this way speeds up the battle to a significant degree.
  79. [100 QBD Kills Loot and QBD Video]
  80. I also wanted to show you the possible loot that I received after defeating the QBD 100 times. Realize that this is just what I received, and may not be what you receive. In this case, I sold all of this loot for 38,688,214 gp (including the gp drops) in 100 fights. That means I received an average of about 387k per QBD battled, and at an average of 3.5 minutes per battle, that amounts to about a 6.75m loot / hour. Actual profits depend on your supplies used and repair costs if you have degradable armor.