Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre El Poker

Preguntas frecuentes sobre deportes; Preguntas frecuentes sobre el casino; Preguntas frecuentes sobre Live Dealer; Preguntas frecuentes sobre el poquer; Preguntas frecuentes sobre caballos; Preguntas frecuentes sobre Bitcoin; Preguntas frecuentes sobre los aspectos financieros; Preguntas frecuentes sobre bonus; Preguntas frecuentes. Preguntas frecuentes sobre deportes; Preguntas frecuentes sobre el casino; Preguntas frecuentes sobre Live Dealer; Preguntas frecuentes sobre el poquer; Preguntas frecuentes sobre caballos; Preguntas frecuentes sobre Bitcoin; Preguntas frecuentes sobre los aspectos financieros; Preguntas frecuentes sobre bonus; Preguntas frecuentes.

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre el correo electrónico

Where can I sign-up for email?

Preguntas En Espanol

Sign-up areas are embedded within the game. Look for a sign-up area, typically found in the set up progress bar on the top of the game, and subscribe to receive email from Zynga. Many of our games now require an email when you install the game, so you can allow us to access your email there too.


I am not receiving any email, where is it?

Please follow the steps below to resolve this issue:

Que Pregunta

  • Check your email application’s spam or junk folder or filter
  • Check that your Facebook email matches the desired email address to receive communications from Zynga
  • Please note that some emails may be blocked by your ISP (internet service provider)
  • If you’re still having trouble after the above steps, please visit the customer support website online
  • Add to your address book to receive emails
  • Visit and make sure that you have not unchecked the box to stop receiving all emails

How can I change my email address?

We send email to the address you have on file with Facebook. Please check your Facebook account preferences page to edit your email address.

Una Pregunta

How can I manage what types of emails I receive?

You can customize the types of email you receive by visiting the Zynga Preference Management Center ( ). From here you have total control over what games and types of email you will receive. You have the ability to unsubscribe from unique game communications and all Zynga communications at any time.

How do I unsubscribe from emails?

All emails will have links where you can unsubscribe and manage your preferences. Simply click a link and change your settings on the Zynga Preference Management Center . You can also visit the Zynga Preference Management Center directly and unsubscribe from email. If you still continue to receive emails after unsubscribing, please visit the customer service website online ( ).

Can I resubscribe to emails?

Preguntas Frecuentes En Entrevistas

Yes. At any time, you can go to the Zynga Preference Management Center to turn on your preferences and begin receiving emails that were previously turned off.